Designed on Earth, created the universe. Inspired by the ultimate possibility of space make SPACE LIFE luxury clothing for earthly adventurers and future space travelers. Products that combine the properties of space with an exclusive design, durable, innovative and comfortable.
Limited Edition Jacket
As a prelude to the first full collection SPACE LIFE In winter 2015/2016 already a luxury limited edition jacket designed for the real space enthusiasts. This will be launched during the Masters of Luxury Fair in Amsterdam on 11 December 2014, in an edition of one hundred copies sold exclusively through the website of SPACE LIFE.
Limited Edition Jacket
As a prelude to the first full collection SPACE LIFE In winter 2015/2016 already a luxury limited edition jacket designed for the real space enthusiasts. This will be launched during the Masters of Luxury Fair in Amsterdam on 11 December 2014, in an edition of one hundred copies sold exclusively through the website of SPACE LIFE.